Black Breastfeeding Week 2014



Sunday, January 19, 2014

Making My Education Work for Communities of Color

My name is Jakki McIntosh. I am most often known as Jay.

I am currently training to become a Postpartum Doula and Childbirth Educator. My ultimate goal is to become a midwife.
The reason I chose to commit to this field of work is because I am well aware of the barriers and disparities that affect communities of color. These barriers extend far beyond an individual's control. From the closing of community health centers to the lack of adequate transportation to get to health centers that are further away. The closing of inner city grocery stores and grocery stores with overpriced goods or old, inedible foods turning predominantly black and low income neighborhoods into food deserts. I've watched the games played within companies who will schedule employees an hour under full time to keep them from giving employees health coverage and other needed benefits. This is not solely my observation, but my personal, firsthand experiences.

I'm sure some are asking, "What does this have to do with the work that you're interested in?"

Well, it has everything to do with the work that I am training for. With so many strikes against a child of color before he/she even exits the womb, it is imperative that we provide the mother with the education, preparation and guidance needed to ensure a mother and baby's health and survival before, during, and after birth.

Here are a few links explaining in depth the rate of infant mortality amongst people of color:

Studies and statistics prove that doulas lowers the rate of infant mortality, lowers the risk of cesareans, allows for a higher percentage of successful VBACs (vaginal birth after cesarean), and actually costs mothers, taxpayers, and insurance companies LESS.

Here's an interview and article going into depth about these facts:

And not only that! The completion of my certifications and the start of my doula business will allow me to educate and employ aspiring birthworkers.

I am now asking for your help in making this happen. I want to be of free service to women who likely wouldn't have access to the in depth and personalized education and care when it comes to preconception to postpartum. I can only make that happen with the support of those who care enough to help provide the opportunity for me to service these communities. I kindly ask you to consider donating to this cause. Whether it be 50 cents or $50. Give a mother, a baby, a family, an aspiring birthworker the ability to experience and provide what's desperately needed.

If interested, please click on the donate button at the top of my blog.

Thank you!

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