Black Breastfeeding Week 2014



Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Making Milk with Quinoa

I've been trying to find unique ways to aid in milk production and I've found a few.

Today I'll share with you a lesser known grain that may help with your milk supply.

Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) has not only been purported as a way to boost milk supply, but it is also a superfood. Linked below are in depth (but easy to read) details regarding quinoa's nutritional facts.

Nutritional facts about Quinoa

In order to keep up milk production, a high protein and water intake is needed. With a total of 12g per one half cup, Quinoa offers just that.

Now, I don't have any recipes to share this go round, but I can share with you all some ideas on how to prepare it for any meal at any time of the day.

Breakfast: Quinoa can be eaten as a hot cereal in the morning.

Lunch: Quinoa can be added to a salad.

Dinner: Quinoa can be used as a side dish.

These are only suggestions so I know your creative minds can concoct great dishes that hopefully you won't mind sharing ;) The grain cooks just like rice so it's not difficult to make.

Hopefully this serves as a help and alternative to what's commonly suggested. If it doesn't work at least you can rest assured that you're eating healthy!

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