Black Breastfeeding Week 2014



Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A VERY Happy New Year

Well you all.... 2014 is almost here and I don't think I'll be able to see it come in. I'll probably fall asleep shortly after publishing this post. But I couldn't go to bed without sharing with you all some great news I that I just recently found out about.

Did you know that the IRS allows offers a breastfeeding tax deduction? I know I hear the gasps. Yes! That is what I said! A breastfeeding tax deduction. So what qualifies for this deduction? Breast pumps! Yes. Those pricey, yet oh so necessary essentials are now allowed as a medical tax deduction and reimbursed by flexible spending accounts.

Now I'm not sure whether other breastfeeding related items can be deducted, but you can receive confirmation of this ability to deduct breastfeeding supplies as well as browse the site to get a more in depth explanation of such deductions here:

I hope this was of great help to my breastfeeding mamas.

Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sh!t People Say to Breastfeeding Mothers

So I thought this video was hilarious. I experienced every single one of these comments. I can laugh at the ridiculousness. But back while I was nursing my children they annoyed me terribly!


Saturday, December 28, 2013

Lactation Cookies!

I must tell you all! I have a sweet tooth that is out of this world! I try my best to manage it, but there are times where I must have my sweets at all costs.
So imagine the feeling that I had when I came across lactation cookies.

Wait... So you mean to tell me that helping my milk supply was just as easy as eating cookies?!?!?! Why didn't my midwife share this with me?

Never fear mommies! I'm here to share with a recipe to not only sate your sweet tooth, but also keep your milk going.

What you'll need:

*Preheat oven to 375

1 cup softened butter
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 tablespoons flaxseed meal
4 tablespoons water
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 tablespoons Brewer's Yeast
3 cups rolled oats (WHOLE, NATURAL oats NOT quick oats)
1 cup chocolate chips (optional)
1 cup chopped nuts of your choice (optional)

Now before I continue I want to emphasize that it's best to buy organic if you're able to. If not, don't let it keep you from enjoying this recipe.
The most important ingredients to insure a boost in milk supply are oatmeal, flax seed and brewer's yeast. There are many variations of this recipe, but the constant in all of them are those 3 ingredients. So be sure not to leave them out!

(OH one more thing! I'm really weird about texture. I don't care for the texture of oatmeal in my cookies so what I like to do is grind them close to powder consistency using either a food processor or high powered blender.)

Now on to the rest of the recipe :)

*Soak flax seeds while you combine the dry ingredients. This allows for them to soften a bit.
*Mix all of your dry ingredients in a medium-sized mixing bowl.
*In a separate mixing bowl cream together the butter and sugar.
*Combine the eggs, drained flax seeds, and vanilla with butter/sugar mixture.
*When evenly mixed, add to the dry mixture.

You can either line your pan with parchment paper or grease your pan with butter. I opt for butter, but use whatever suits you.

*Drop mixture on the sheet by the spoonful
*Bake for 8-12 minutes
*(And my favorite part of the recipe) Enjoy!

There are variations of this recipe and I will post others for those with dietary restrictions.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Is Your Period Necessary?

I've heard time and time again that having a menstrual period (or enduring the bleeding and sometimes extreme discomfort that we associate with as normal) is not only unnatural but unnecessary. I've also heard over a period of time that there are ways to eliminate your period and remain fertile.

Curiosity is my middle name so of course I've decided to do a few quick internet searches before diving into literature about the need to have a menstrual period. My search led me to the blog post that I have listed down below.

It would be interesting to hear others thoughts, opinions, and experiences.

Let me tell you! If I can naturally eliminate or at least lessen the amount of times I have my period without needing to forfeit my fertility, I'd be one happy lady!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Giver of Life

I thought this picture was amazing. So amazing in fact that I just had to share it with you all! I got this pic from the Facebook page titled Birth Nerds!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

World Aids Day 2013. Know your status

It is especially important for mothers and mothers to be get tested for aids. Don't let stigma keep you from knowing your status and taking control of your health.

Down below is a link to a free pdf download with really helpful information about the risk of transmission of HIV from mother to baby. Even more interesting is that the rate of HIV transmission from a breastfeeding, HIV-positive mother to her HIV-negative infant was a lot lower than I expected it to be.

So please, click the link and download and read at your leisure!

I've also posted below a link to various HIV/AIDS awareness events. Most, I'm sure, will be offering free testing.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Disparities In The Quality of Pre-natal Care

I wanted to share with you all an interview that I came across while searching for a new topic to blog about. This is an interview OB/GYN Dr. Michael Lu. The excerpt that I am posting focuses on the racial, ethnic, and economic disparities as it pertains to prenatal care. It stresses how private insurance and medicaid does a disservice to women by voiding them of proper and essential childbirth education.

In the introduction of this 5th installment of Dr. Lu's interview there is a link directing you to the last four parts. They are just as insightful!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A really exciting progression!

I found a link while on twitter and thought it was amazing enough to share.

I am currently training to become a doula and childbirth educator and it is imperative to point out the benefit of having a doula involved in pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum.

This is really exciting!

Please read and share!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Back To Vlogging

So I'm retrying this whole vlogging thing ;) Check out my intro please and stay tuned for more!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Coming to Terms With an Ever-Changing Body

I've always felt that a woman's femininity was partly tied to her body's appearance. I don't mean the in the way a woman dresses her body, but the way her body is shaped. It's what physically distinguishes a girl from a woman. In my mind.

I've always been slim and short. All of the women in my family (on both my mom and dad's side) were all "thick" women. Hips, thighs, butt, and breasts. All a testament of their womanhood. Physically. Being the slim and short girl that I was at the time caused me to long for the day where I'd finally fill out and resemble the women around me. So imagine the disappointment I felt when I realized that I may forever remain the same short (something that absolutely wouldn't change), skinny, now, woman without a curve to bare.

Things began to look promising for me during each postpartum period after my pregnancies. Slowly but surely I was "growing" into the ideal woman that I wanted to be physically.

Now let's fast-forward to the present!

My youngest child is 3 years old now. I stopped breastfeeding a few months after she turned 3.

Now that I'm no longer breastfeeding my breasts have become saggy and so much smaller.
They've always been small but definitely a lot perkier (sorry for the tmi lol).

While breastfeeding, they were about 2 cup sizes bigger and gave me this feel of confidence. Not because I wanted to be looked at. Rather because it represented femininity and womanhood. Yes, I know these things can be achieved without a bigger bust size, but again it does represent those things... To me.

While I've learned to love my body during it's many changes this is one change that I don't like and can't quite come to accept. I feel really self-conscious now because of it.

Are there any other moms who feel the same way?
How did you get over the feeling if so?

Sunday, October 6, 2013

More than 4 ounces... So I know it's real....

While breastfeeding my two oldest children, I had an abundant supply of milk. I could pump up to 24 ounces in 30 minutes. Needless to say if I'd ever decided to stop nursing my children they'd do well with the milk stored.

When I had my youngest child, I could not pump more than 2 ounces on one side during a 30 minute pump session. I may have been lucky to pump 4 ounces and that was only if I missed a feeding due to my baby sleeping longer than usual. That's a huge maybe. Pumping could not even empty me properly and I went through many painful bouts of clogged ducts and unbearable engorgement. Maintaining my supply while away from my baby was excruciating.

I was discouraged and felt that she was not getting enough milk. Never mind that she was gaining just fine. I couldn't see the milk that I was producing and it made me feel defeated as a mother. I was determined to continue breastfeeding, though. And I continued until she was a month or two into her third year.

I probably would have stopped earlier if it weren't for the words of advice that I received along the way. And I'm here to share them with you!

1.) How much you're able to pump is NOT a measure of your supply. It may just be that your baby is better at emptying your breast than a pump is despite it's grade.

2.) Breastfed babies get's hungry more often than bottle-fed babies. You may think that your baby is not getting enough because he constantly wants to nurse. The difference between formula and breast milk is that breast milk is digested a lot quicker and easier than formula. This fact is usually the culprit of frequent feedings.

3.) Your baby may be experiencing a growth spurt. This may result in a baby that's more fussy than usual. Keep in mind that breastfeeding is a supply and demand kind of deal. Allow for extra or longer feedings and rest assured that he's getting all of what he needs.

4.) Beware of overfeeding. Babies will willingly take a bottle of formula or expressed milk even if he is full.

5.) Babies love to suckle. Imagine my surprise when I realized that the extended time spent on my breast wasn't baby nursing at all. Rather she just found comfort in sucking as she would a pacifier.

Now you may be convinced that baby is getting enough milk during his nursing sessions, but you're not pumping enough for, say, daycare. Here are a few tips that may help.

1.) Pump regularly. Sometimes we like to pump only when we're engorged. Or maybe you will only pump during or after nursing you baby. Unfortunately it may not be enough to support your need to produce extra milk for baby while you two are apart. Set aside a schedule to pump and then stick to it! Ideally pumping 10-15 minutes every 2-4 hours will yield results within a week or two. Be consistent and patient. You'll soon be making enough!

2.) There are natural herbal supplements that aid in the production of milk. The two most popular are fenugreek and mother's milk tea. Fenugreek comes in a pill form and can be made as a tea. Mother's milk is another tea proven useful in milk production.

3.) Are you hydrated? You will need to drink about 8 glasses of water daily. It is recommended to keep water near you while breastfeeding or pumping. Speaking from experience, I would get extremely thirsty while during a nursing session. Dehydration drastically affects milk supply.

4.) Don't skimp on the calories. I'm quite sure people are asking, "How are you able to bounce back so quickly?" Well it's because breastfeeding burns up to approximately 500 calories a day. This is great but you have to remember to eat. Burning that many calories means that you'll have to eat more than usual. Not eating enough will affect your energy level and ability to produce milk.

Remember to stay persistent. You have the ability to give your baby the best and he deserves just that.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

"The History of My Chocolate Milk"

I want to direct you all to a documentary in the making titled "The History of My Chocolate Milk". In this documentary the history of the low rates of breastfeeding among mothers of color, the social stigma of breastfeeding, and the necessity of breastfeeding.

I have no doubt that this film will be good, informative, and empowering.

For more information please visit "The History of My Chocolate Milk" facebook page

Sunday, September 29, 2013

My Plan B

Every mother should have a Plan B (as in breastfeeding)!!

We all have wished at one point or another that we could just disappear. Maybe you were obligated to make a family gathering. Or maybe in the company of annoying people that you just wanted to rid of but couldn't. Or just maybe you need to get away from the New Years Eve festivities where your drunk Uncle has had one too many drinks and is now embarrassing every one within his blurred eyesight... Was that just me? lol well you get the picture! I for one have been in these sort of situations. What I would've given to have a fire escape slightly out of sight but within reach so that I could slip away at a moment's notice...

There's one thing (out of many) that I cherish about breastfeeding. That's using the need to breastfeed to get out of situations. Come on! I know I'm not the only one who has played the "my baby's hungry card" to ease out of unbearable situations. I for one will tell you that this strategy has been tried and proven effective!

As healthy as breastfeeding is, many people still view it as some sort of ungodly act that should never be spoken of let alone witnessed. As unfortunate as this is, it gives you the ability to duck off into a vacant room without much worry about others coming in. And if they do they'll leave faster than they came. Can you say peace? To this I say don't feel bad. As it's one of the many perks of choosing to nurse your baby.

Use it to your advantage!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Breast milk kills cancer!!!!

I'll leave you with a few links:

Enjoy. And happy breastfeeding!

My addiction

For those who don't know. Yes I used to smoke. Cigarettes to be more specific. I stopped smoking about 2 months after finding out I was pregnant with my now 2 year old. I've gone cold turkey for close to 3 years now... But this past January, after being away for a weekend, my youngest daughter showed disinterest in nursing when I got back home. It was kind of bittersweet. I kind of enjoyed the fact that I'd have my "body back" finally. At the same token I knew that my pregnancy and breastfeeding is what kept me from giving in to those cravings that had been taunting me lately.

I went to the midwife for my annual check up and told her about my youngest daughter's sudden disinterest and that it's fueling my intense desire to light one for the first time in a long time. I told her that I felt bad because I'd been nursing her to fight off that desire. And now that she's "done" I don't know what to do. I also worried that if she so happens to want to nurse again then it couldn't happen because I would have started smoking again. I had no idea what to do. Then my midwife gave me this bit of information...

Touchy subject.
I know some will have some VERY strong opinions regarding smoking and breastfeeding. To some this will come as a relief. As it did with me.
My 2 year old began showing interest in nursing again. And I've given in to my habit again during her short hiatus. Granted she's not nursing as much as she'd been before her first rejection. She may go a few days without nursing. Then when she decides she wants it again she will only do so in the middle of the night. Or when she needs to wind down. In the meantime my need to smoke is restricted to 1 or 2 a day and this is not daily. The need is so sporadic that I am confident that I pose no risk because whenever I do nurse her I am way past the nicotine's half life.

I am not here to convince anyone in any specific way when it comes to this situation. I just want to make people aware.
I respect the opinions of all. And don't mind the opinions of those who oppose this. I will not accept bashing though. I like to think of this place as a safe place of some sort. So demonizing will not be tolerated.
With that said I'd love to hear experiences and thoughts.

2 yrs later....

2 years later....
2 years later my youngest is almost 3 years old.
2 years later I'm still breastfeeding.

Obviously not as frequently as before but she will still nurse from time to time. Did I mention that she's almost 3? I'm sure that most people will give me the side-eye. She'll be preschool age next month. She'll be eligible to attend public school pre-school all day. Her formal induction to life as an assimilated child. No longer under the constant supervision of what's been her life. Me. Her home. Yes, she's been to daycare but it's so different from the dynamics of public school. With that comes the expectation that she/we abandon all things that identifies her as a baby/toddler. Breastfeeding being one of those things.
I find it so funny in the most annoying way when people complain about "not letting children remain  children" and "kids growing up so fast" yet these are the same people who will chastise a mother for continuing to feed her child in the most natural, healthiest way that she knows how. My belief is that despite these age markers put in place by society a 2 year old is still just a baby. A 3 year old is still just a baby.

I'm not here to rant, though. I'm only here to inform and support. And I just want those who have made it this far not to doubt their decision to do so.