I've always felt that a woman's femininity was partly tied to her body's appearance. I don't mean the in the way a woman dresses her body, but the way her body is shaped. It's what physically distinguishes a girl from a woman. In my mind.
I've always been slim and short. All of the women in my family (on both my mom and dad's side) were all "thick" women. Hips, thighs, butt, and breasts. All a testament of their womanhood. Physically. Being the slim and short girl that I was at the time caused me to long for the day where I'd finally fill out and resemble the women around me. So imagine the disappointment I felt when I realized that I may forever remain the same short (something that absolutely wouldn't change), skinny, now, woman without a curve to bare.
Things began to look promising for me during each postpartum period after my pregnancies. Slowly but surely I was "growing" into the ideal woman that I wanted to be physically.
Now let's fast-forward to the present!
My youngest child is 3 years old now. I stopped breastfeeding a few months after she turned 3.
Now that I'm no longer breastfeeding my breasts have become saggy and so much smaller.
They've always been small but definitely a lot perkier (sorry for the tmi lol).
While breastfeeding, they were about 2 cup sizes bigger and gave me this feel of confidence. Not because I wanted to be looked at. Rather because it represented femininity and womanhood. Yes, I know these things can be achieved without a bigger bust size, but again it does represent those things... To me.
While I've learned to love my body during it's many changes this is one change that I don't like and can't quite come to accept. I feel really self-conscious now because of it.
Are there any other moms who feel the same way?
How did you get over the feeling if so?
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