Hello everyone!
I've been on almost a year long hiatus from this blog. Why? Life. Things are so hectic with a 1st grader, preschooler, and toddler. I barely sleep! But I'm back and ready to pick up where I left off.
My youngest child is now almost 19 months. And YES I am STILL breastfeeding her! I don't know if it's because I am dreading the awful engorging that comes after brestfeeding is over. I don't know if it's because I'm going to miss the closeness. I don't know if it's because I'm going to miss that mandatory break time that I have to set aside no matter what to insure that I do breastfeed. But what I do know is that I enjoy it and my daughter does too so I'm not going to stop right now!
Now people may look at me and say, "That is so gross. That child is almost 2 years old and she's still nursing!" It's not what people think though. She's very independent. She's not clawing at my shirt to nurse whenever she's thirsty. She can drink out of a sippy cup, a straw, and a regular cup (with assistance). And she does that throughout the day unless she needs some consolation or it's bedtime. Her pediatrician commended me on continuing because at the end of the day mom's milk is best. Not cow's milk. Not soy milk. But mom's milk.
***I don't want to turn this into a rant :)
Back to the purpose of this entry. I think that it's a beautiful thing to see a mother nurse her child even past their infancy. It takes a lot although it doesn't seem like it. A lot of effort in eliminating and adding things to and from your diet that you normally wouldn't. It takes a whole lot of patience. And I want all of you moms out there who are nursing your child past the age of 1 or have thought about it to not listen to what others say. It will not "damage your child", it won't confuse them, or mess them up. Only you and your baby can indicate what's best for you and your baby :)
I've been told numerous times by various people, strangers and relatives, that I need to stop. But I won't until I feel that it's the right time.
Society likes to dictate what only mother nature can decide. So I encourage you, again, to do what's right for you and your baby. I know that I am! :)
Very good blog. It's amazing that you are still doing it. I stopped with bella at 9 months (well she stopped) it was an amazing experience for me and her and id gladly do it again.